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ELI Church exists to advance the Kingdom of God through sound biblical teaching and spiritual training for practical living which edify and exhort all believers to love God and others.​​

"You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. And, Love your neighbor as yourself."

Luke 10:27, ESV

Purple Epoxy

Our Core Values






Our passion is to build Christ's Church and advance the Kingdom of God on earth through sharing the Gospel of salvation, healing, and deliverance. We desire to see God's people being freed and filled by the Holy Spirit to fulfill His purpose and calling.

Religious Statue


  1. Bible: Holy Scriptures are given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, and entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2 Tim. 3:16

  2. God: One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Eph. 4:6; 2 Cor. 13:14

  3. Jesus Christ: The only begotten Son of God - by whom the salvation of lost and sinful man is obtained; by His blood; by FAITH through GRACE apart from works. The purpose of the Church is to exalt Jesus in every way.  John 3:16

  4. Holy Spirit: By whose indwelling and filling, the believer is regenerated and empowered to live a holy life, to be a witness and fulfill the calling of the Lord Jesus Christ. John 14:26; Eph. 5:18

  5. Mankind: Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God: he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through faith in the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The portion of the unrepentant and unbelieving is eternal judgement to a place of torment. Rom. 3:23, 6:23; Eph. 2:8

  6. Marriage: We believe in the Bible and its entirety that marriage is between one male and one female, created in the image of God. Gen. 1:27, 2:24

  7. The Church: Consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the Gospel, and observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. There is unity of the Spirit of all true believers. Acts 2; Eph. 4

  8. Eschatology: Jesus has come as Savior, Healer and Deliverer; He is coming again as Lord and King. There is a literal, final, physical resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved (justified by faith in Jesus Christ) unto the resurrection of life; they that are lost (unrepentant) unto the resurrection of eternal judgment  to damnation and torment. Matt. 24; 1 Thes. 5; Rev. 22

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